Faithfulness of Prayer

We all need to learn more about prayer. Moses holding up the rod of God is symbolic for our prayer lives today (Exodus 17:8-16).

Moses held up his hands and Israel prevailed. When Moses’ hands got heavy and started to drop, the enemy started to prevail. Moses was helped by Aaron and Hur. They held up his hands.

The end result was victory for Israel.

There are unsaved fighting for life whether they know it of not. They need our prayers. There are Christians who are in difficult situations who need our prayers.

While God’s children fight Spiritual wars in this life. Prayer support is needed. Those fighting are encouraged when they know others are praying for them.

The results of the battle are in direct relation to the faithfulness of prayer.

“You can do more than pray, after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed” – John Bunyan.
