Monthly Archives: December 2017

Let God Do A New Thing In Your Life

Jerusalem had fallen and Judah is suffering under Babylonian rule. Some of the people had been taken into exile while others remained in the land, but both groups suffered the effects of being a conquered people (Physically, economically, culturally, and religiously).

It’s during this time that we have messages in both Isaiah and Jeremiah,

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“What A Wonderful Name It Is — JESUS”!

The dictionary defines “wonderful” as anything that is so unusual or magnificent that causes wonder and amazement.

A “name” is the title by which one person is designated from another. It is a way for us to tell people, places and things apart. In our day, names don’t hold much significance.

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A More Convenient Season

Paul was under arrest, and the Roman governor Felix had full authority either to release him or keep him in jail.

After Paul’s initial defense before Felix, he had another opportunity to speak to him… Along with his wife Drusilla who was Jewish (Acts 24:24).

Rather than flatter Felix or try to win his favor,

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Automatic Refexive Action

Reflex action def. – The involuntary functioning or movement of any organ or body part in response to a particular stimulus. The function or action occurs immediately, without the involvement of the will or consciousness.

You’ve probably had your doctor take a little rubber hammer and tap you on the knees—and if your reflexes are good,

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