Automatic Refexive Action

Reflex action def. – The involuntary functioning or movement of any organ or body part in response to a particular stimulus. The function or action occurs immediately, without the involvement of the will or consciousness.

You’ve probably had your doctor take a little rubber hammer and tap you on the knees—and if your reflexes are good, your lower leg responded with a gentle kick. That reflexive action occurs automatically, and it’s the same every time that nerve gets hit.

But how do you respond when troubles hit you? What is your automatic reflexive action then? Panic? Anger? Depression? Confusion? All of these?

James is coming to a close of his Epistle and decides to leave us with a stirring encouragement to pray. In James 5:13-20, we find a call to pray and sing praises. James in these verses reminds us what our “reflexive action” should be: turning to God in prayer.

“Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms” (James 5:13).
